• February 10, 2025

Rajamahendravaram: Despite ban, plastic waste is still a major headache for Sanitation workers

Civic staff remove plastic waste including bottles from an underground drainage line at Devi Chowk in Rajahmundry

Rajahmundry: Sanitation workers had a tough time trying to clear up the garbage and facilitate the free flow of sewage in drains in the city.

Despite the ban in force on the use of plastic items like carry bags, bottles and other things, civic authorities found huge quantity of plastic water bottles and cool drink bottles dumped in underground drainage.

Rajahmundry Municipal commissioner Sumit Kumar Gandhi made a fervent appeal to people to cooperate with the civic authorities across the city to maintain cleanliness. He felt the need to bring about more awareness among people on proper disbursal of domestic garbage.

As part of an action plan to clear drains, sanitation workers took up the job and found large quantity of plastic waste thrown in the underground drainage at several places including Swamy and Asoka theatres, Bommana Complex, Bypass Road, Uma Ramalingeswara Kalyana Mandapam and others.

Pieces of thermocol were also found dumped in drains affecting the flow of sewage. The sanitation workers cleared the plastic and thermocol waste from drains to facilitate free flow of sewage and avoid its clogging.

Via DC


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