• February 10, 2025

RAJAHMUNDRY ONGC Personnel Took Out A Cycle Rally On Wednesday to Create Awareness On ‘To Save Oil and Gas’.

RAJAHMUNDRY ONGC Personnel Took Out A Cycle Rally to Create Awareness On ‘To Save Oil and Gas’ | Rjytimes.com
Src: DC | RAJAHMUNDRY ONGC Personnel Took Out A Cycle Rally to Create Awareness On ‘To Save Oil and Gas’ | Rjytimes.com

Rajamahendravaram: Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) personnel took out a cycle rally on Wednesday which was led by its executive director and Rajahmundry Asset Manager D.M.R. Sekhar to create awareness on to save oil and gas conservation among the people.

According to DC, Rajahmundry (ONGC) Asset Manager D.M.R. Sekhar Speaking on this occasion that the aim of the rally was to profess the significance of cycling, both as a lifestyle and as an alternate means of commutation, especially for shorter distances for day-to-day activities such as cycling to work, riding to nearby places and others.

Mr Sekhar said that the cycle rally was taken out not only to save fuel and money but also keeps human beings healthy and fit, contributing to the reduction of vehicular emission by reducing congestion and improving traffic flow.

He said that ONGC is committed to reducing the oil imports by 10 percent by 2022 as envisioned by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He said that Rajahmundry Assets has laid foundation recently for 5 MW Solar Plant in Tatipaka in East Godavari.

Mr Sekhar said that the ONGC had taken up various campaigns such as going paperless in its office work and to progressively reduce single-use plastics as a part of its overall mission to clean up the environment.

KV schoolchildren, SPF personnel, Association of Scientific and Technical Officers, Petroleum Employees’ Union, All-India SC/ST Employees’ Welfare Association, and others participated. Nearly 200 people participated in this event.


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