• February 16, 2025

RAJAHMUNDRY: Bomb Hoax Delays More Than An Hour Secunderabad-Bound Visakha Express At Rajahmundry Railway Station On Sunday Night

Secunderabad-Bound Visakha Express | Rjytimes.com
For representational purposes: Secunderabad-Bound Visakha Express | Rjytimes.com

RAJAMAHENDRAVARAM: Yesterday night worried passengers pulled the chain to stop the train and thorough checks were conducted at the Rajahmundry railway station delaying the train by more than an hour.

A heated argument between two passengers in Secunderabad-bound Visakha Express, during which one of them claimed that a bomb was planted in the train, led to a scare on Sunday night.

Worried passengers pulled the chain to stop the train and thorough checks were conducted at the Rajahmundry railway station delaying the train by more than an hour.

According to Rajahmundry station manager Prabhakara Rao, two passengers, suspected to be acquaintances, had a heated argument over some issue between Gollaprolu and Pithapuram stations and, one of them, suddenly shouted that bomb was planted in Visakha Express. Hearing this, passengers pulled the chain.

Via newindianexpress


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