• February 10, 2025

19 Nov International Men’s Day: Here’s the History of How, Why, When it Started And What Do People Do?

International Men's Day is celebrated on November 19 to raise awareness about men's mental health
International Men's Day is celebrated on November 19 to raise awareness about men's mental health

International Men’s Day is annually held on November 19 to improve gender relations and promote unity.

International Men’s Day is commemorated across the world to celebrate significant contributions by the male population to society and to spread awareness about the issues that men face. International Men’s Day is supported by various organizations worldwide, including the United Nations (UN) and the Men’s Network.

Why the International Men’s day is celebrated on November 19?

Jerome Teelucksingh, who revived the event, chose November 19 to honour his father’s birthday and also to celebrate how on that date in 1989 Trinidad and Tobago’s soccer team had united the country with their endeavours to qualify for the soccer world cup.

Dr Teelucksingh promoted International Men’s Day as a day where all issues affecting men and boys can be addressed. He talked about the day and its grass roots activists, “They are striving for gender equality and patiently attempt to remove the negative images and the stigma associated with men in our society.”

Despite the existence of International Men’s Day over the past two decades, this is not as popular as International Women’s Day, which takes place on March 8 every year.

How It Started?

International Men’s Day is a time for many people to reflect on the contributions, sacrifices and progress made by men in society. Such progress includes that of men working together with women to make educational, economic, social, and technological advances in society. Topics that may be discussed or showcased through various media, activities and events on the day may include:

The main objectives of celebrating an International Men’s Day focuses on improving gender relations, promoting gender equality, producing responsible males and highlighting positive male role models. It also looks at addressing issues such as parenting, positive male role models, families and healthy life choices for men.

The event is celebrated every year on November 19. It was started in the February of 1992 by Thomas Oaster, however, the project of International Men’s Day was planned a year earlier on February 8, 1991.

The project was re-initialised in 1999 in Trinidad and Tobago.

The inaugural International Men’s Day was held in Trinidad and Tobago on November 19 in 1999. Representatives from organizations such as the UN expressed support for the event, although it is not an official UN observance. A petition has called for the UN to make International Men’s Day an official UN observance in the interest of equality.

Why the International Men’s day is celebrated on November 19?

Jerome Teelucksingh, who revived the event, chose November 19 to honour his father’s birthday and also to celebrate how on that date in 1989 Trinidad and Tobago’s soccer team had united the country with their endeavours to qualify for the soccer world cup.

Dr Teelucksingh promoted International Men’s Day as a day where all issues affecting men and boys can be addressed. He talked about the day and its grass roots activists, “They are striving for gender equality and patiently attempt to remove the negative images and the stigma associated with men in our society.”

Despite the existence of International Men’s Day over the past two decades, this is not as popular as International Women’s Day, which takes place on March 8 every year.

What Do People Do?

International Men’s Day is a time for many people to reflect on the contributions, sacrifices and progress made by men in society. Such progress includes that of men working together with women to make educational, economic, social, and technological advances in society. Topics that may be discussed or showcased through various media, activities and events on the day may include:

  • Men’s and boys’ health.
  • The importance of gender equality.
  • Improvements towards gender relations in all societies.
  • Positive male role models for younger generations.
  • Men’s roles in community, family, relationships and childcare.
  • Healing and forgiveness.
  • Meetings, workshops or group gatherings may also be held on this day to focus on overcoming challenges such as domestic violence and drug abuse.


Know more: internationalmensday.com


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