• February 10, 2025

From 13 districts in AP, Mee Seva centres call for bandh From 17 January 2019

Mee Seva centres call for bandh From 17 jan 2019 | Rjytimes.com
Mee Seva centres call for bandh From 17 jan 2019 | Rjytimes.com

Mee Seva Operators’ Welfare Association Andhra Pradesh (MSOWAAP) called for Mee Seva Centres’ bandh due to unavoidable from 17 January 2019.

Mee Seva Operators’ Welfare Association Andhra Pradesh (MSOWAAP) president C. Sreevatsan said that e-Seva Centres were begun in 2003. Later, the services were begun in rural areas in the name of Rajiv Internet Village and further, the name was changed to Mee Seva Centres.

People from 13 districts in AP would land in severe trouble to get required certificates and other services due to the bandh call by nearly 9,000 Mee Seva Centres, seeking fulfilment of demands of Mee Seva Operators’ Welfare Association Andhra Pradesh (MSOWAAP), from 17 January 2019. 

He stated that 20,000 people were working in the Mee Seva centres in 13 districts and they are facing severe trouble due to the meagre commission.

Mee Seva Centres Operators had been demanding increase in commission, provision to collect charges for additional scanning of copies, upgrading the server to restrain frequent hanging, providing minimum wages to operators and to resolve other issues.

MSOWAAP leaders Anjan Kumar, K. Ugandhar, C.V. Ramana Babu and others have urged the government to provide Rs 15,000 per month income to each Mee Seva Centre, increase of scanning charge to Rs 5 from the earlier Rs 2, exemption of GST, appointing Revision Committee to enhance the commissions, provision of `10 lakh as ex gratia for the death of an operator, sanctioning of government buildings for Mee Seva Centres, providing electricity and AP Fibernet Internet connections to Mee Seva centres treating it as special category and resolving other demands.

They said that several times they asked the government to resolve their issues and the officials promised to resolve it by December 31 but in vain. Hence, MSOWAAP called for Mee Seva Centres’ bandh due to unavoidable.

Via DC


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